Trikonasana | Triangle Pose
Amplifying Hip and Spinal Flexibility
Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, is a lateral stretching posture that involves extending one arm down to the foot while the other arm reaches upward. This pose aims to improve flexibility, strengthen the core, and enhance the functioning of internal organs.
The Dialogue
→ Feet together on the line, please. Arms over the head sideways. Right leg step to the right – BIG STEP – four feet minimum. Immediately arms down parallel to the floor, palms facing down.
Look straight ahead in the mirror.
Push your hips forward, upper body leaning back.
Turn your right foot out to the right – all the way.
Turn it half inch more, until the foot is parallel to the front mirror; two heels in one line.
Inhale breathing, bend the right knee and sit down.
Bounce a couple of times like a motorcycle ride, to make sure you’re sitting down low enough.
Your right thigh-biceps should be parallel to the floor. In the front mirror, your right leg should look like upside-down ‘L’ like Linda. Make sure your hips don’t go up anymore. STAY DOWN THERE.
Again, hips forward, arms back, body back, lean back, open your chest.
Spine straight in the center.
Inhale breathing – move your both arms at the same time.
Right elbow in front of the right knee.
Bring your right hand down and put your fingertips between the big toe and second toe, don’t touch the floor, no pressure on the fingertips against the floor.
Look up towards the ceiling – touch your chin to the left shoulder, so the profile of your face is exactly visible in the mirror.
Take a deep breath, continuously stretch your left arm up to the ceiling, you’re trying to touch the ceiling.
Right arm stretch down, left arm stretch up. In other words, both arms-shoulders should be stretching each other; up and down, in opposite directions like natural human traction.
Push your left hip forward towards the mirror.
At the same time, push your right knee back with the help of your right elbow.
Upper body turn, or twist backward (like the Spine Twisting posture).
Keep your left knee locked, and left foot flat on the floor.
Inhale breathing; come up and stop in the middle – right foot back to the center Keep your arms there.
→ Left side.
Turn your left foot out to the left.
Bend the knee and sit down. Bounce and bounce and bounce, until you’re sitting down enough.
Left thigh-biceps, femur bone parallel to the floor. Right hip down and forwards more.
Get your left knee back towards the back wall.
Arms back, body back, lean back, freeze.
Don’t move your hips anymore.
Keep your spine straight in the center.
Both arms at the same time:
Left arm down, palm facing the front mirror, elbow in front of the knee.
Right arm stretch up, touch the ceiling.
Turn your head, look up, chin to the shoulder, face exactly pro-filed in the front mirror.
Push your right hip down and forward towards the mirror. Push your left knee back with the help of the left elbow so both knees are in one line from the side.
Elbow should not go down below the knee.
Don't lean any weight on your left elbow against the knee.
Touch the toes!
Quick, right arm stretch up, you’re going to touch the ceiling pretty soon. Body up more, there should be a big gap, triangle between your chest and the left thigh.
Right arm up more.
Both arms should be in a straight line in the front, also from the side mirror. Both arms, shoulders, scapula, deltoids, stretching up and down like a natural human tug-of-war.
Hips down, body up, turn or twist your upper body back, opening up your chest. This is a perfect marriage between the heart and lungs.
Left arm stretch down, touch the toes. Right arm stretch up, stretch up, stretch up, stretch up. Touch the ceiling! Keep your right knee locked, right foot flat on the floor.
Inhale breathing, come up. Arms over the head, right foot back to the place, and arms down side.
→ Additional Dialogue
Every posture up to this point has been preparation to do that Triangle Posture. It's the only posture in the world where you use 100% of your body, every muscle, joint, organ and major gland.