Tadasana | Tree Pose
Enhancing Balance and Focus Through Stability
Tadasana, or Tree Pose, is a balancing posture that involves standing on one leg while the other foot is placed on the thigh. This pose aims to improve posture, balance, and concentration while strengthening the legs and joints.
Everybody go back to the line where you started, in one line.
Feet together nicely.
Focus on one spot in the mirror.
Grab your right foot from underneath, with your left hand.
Right leg lift all the way up, until your heel is touch-ing your costume, sole of the foot is facing the ceiling.
Be careful of the right knee.
Slowly, gently, let your right knee come down.
Push your hips forward towards the mirror, and gently push your right knee back.
Try to get your both knees in one line from the side, to open your pelvis. Same principle like in triangle posture.
Upper body lean back a couple of inches.
Stretch your spine up to the ceiling, and suck your stomach in.
Two hips in one line, two shoulders in one line.
Bring your right hand up to the center of your chest.
If you can balance there, bring your left hand up, palms together (namaskar). If your foot slips at all, continue to hold the foot with your left hand.
Left leg locked, thigh contracted. Spine straight, stomach in.
Focus one point, eyes open, breathing normal. Stay there.
Left leg. (Repeat for Left Side)