Supta Vajrasana | Fixed Firm Pose
Improving Joint Flexibility and Boosting Circulation
Fixed Firm Pose involves sitting between the heels with knees on the floor and gradually reclining the upper body backward. The pose aims to stretch and increase flexibility in the lower spine and hip joints while also providing a gentle stretch to the quadriceps.
Next is Supta Vajrasana, Fixed Firm Pose
Come to the top of the towel.
Sit down Japanese style, knees together.
Separate your feet and sit down between the heels,
hips touching the floor. Heels touching the hips.
Make sure heels are touching the hips the whole time.
As a beginner, or if your knees or feet hurt, you can open your knees.
Put your hands-palms on your toes, thumbs inside, fingers outside.
Touch your right elbow on the floor, then the left, one by one.
Touch your head on the floor, then the back of your head.
Your shoulders should touch the floor.
Whole upper body relaxed on the floor.
Bring your arms over the head.
Grab the elbows each other, over the head. Pull your elbows down towards the floor.
Chin down towards the chest, neck flat on the floor. Lift your chest and stomach up towards the ceiling,
Create a perfect human bridge.
Eventually, or in the future, bring your knees together, touching each other.
But make sure knees never come off the floor.
Eyes open, breathing normal.
Put your hands on your feet, with the help of your elbows, carefully come up. Turn around and relax on your back.
[additional dialogue, corrections]:
Be careful of the knees. You can mess with the Gods, but you don't with your knees. Open your knees as wide as you need to, as a beginner, or if you have bad knees.
[after: "Lift your chest up...]:
The more higher it goes up, you get more benefit, medically.