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Posture Overview

Foundational Insights

Savasana, or Dead Body Pose, is a relaxation posture that involves lying flat on the back. This pose aims to promote mental relaxation, facilitate recovery, and prepare the body for subsequent postures.


Posture Breakdown

Benefits and Techniques

  • Circulation & Relaxation: Facilitates strong blood flow and relaxes the body.
  • Mental Clarity: Clears the mind and improves focus and concentration.
  • Integration: Allows the body to absorb the benefits of the previous postures and prepares for the next.
  • Nervous System: Calms the nervous system and reduces stress.

  • Positioning: Lie flat on the back, arms by the sides, palms facing upwards, and feet falling naturally outward.
  • Breath & Awareness: Close the eyes, breathe calmly, and bring awareness to each part of the body, allowing relaxation to set in.

Video Resources

Guided Demonstrations and Tips

Watch a Demonstration
Watch a demonstration of Savasana | Dead Body Pose.
Get Jonny's Tip
Listen to Jonny's tips for mastering Savasana | Dead Body Pose.

The Dialogue

Bikram's Precise Verbal Instructions


Dead Body Pose

→ Turn around and lie down on your back.

Relax completely.

Heels together, let your feet fall open.

Arms on the towel, palms facing up. Head straight, eyes always open, and breathing always normal.

Don’t move.

(during Savasana) That was the warming up exercise, now the class begins. Every exercise/physical activity in the world you do, you burn energy, like driving a car burns gas. The tank is empty, you need to fill it up again. Hatha Yoga class is a gas station, it is the one of the only places in the world where you gain energy, instead of losing it. Practicing Yoga Asanas is the only natural physical activity in the world, because it is scientific. With the help of science, we can explain nature.

Additional: This is natural irrigation of your circulatory system, with the help of your respiratory system.

Allow your circulation to go back to normal, with the help of your breath.