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Posture Overview

Foundational Insights

The Pranayama breathing technique is the initial posture in the Bikram Yoga series, designed to oxygenate the blood and prepare the body for the subsequent postures. It involves deep inhalation and exhalation through the nose, with a focus on controlled breathing and chest expansion. The practice aids in increasing lung capacity, promoting mental relaxation, and enhancing focus.



Posture Breakdown

Benefits and Techniques

There are benefits of Pranayama practice for psycho-physical and neurobiological regularization. The effect of stress and depression on the physical and mental health (psycho-somatic impact) is wide reaching. Anxiety and depression have been found to be co factors in the progression of every disease, including asthma and cardiovascular disease. Yogic breathing techniques activate the nerves. Through Pranayam we achieve respiratory efficiency, better oxygenated blood throughout the system as well as a state of mental and physical equilibrium along with hatha yoga practice. Hyper Oxygenating the Body - Oxygen creates thrust-force- tremendous energy. With Oxygen you gain energy instead of depleting it.
  • Utilizes maximum lung capacity- 40% use is the average- 100% use through pranayama
  • Helps to prevent asthma, shortness of breath, nervousness, bronchitis, emphysema, and shortness of breath.
  • Improves elasticity of the lungs, creating greater expansion and ultimately changes the structure of the rib cage surrounding the lungs.
  • Increases circulation to the body and wakes up the muscles in the body which is why it is such a great warm up before any type of exercise.
  • With sustained practice, keeps you from going into oxygen debt.

On the inhale create the mouth shape as if you were saying “SO” On the exhale create the mouth shape “HA”— make a Darth Vader sound! Breathe in and out from the back of your nose and throat. Breathe by compressing the throat creating a stream of air that is so powerful it makes a snoring sound. Once you learn to use your throat, you learn to use your throat while it is relaxed and begin to pull all tension into the abdominal wall until the ribs become visible. When exhaling, make sure that you completely empty your lungs so that you are almost gasping for air by the end of the exhale; this creates a vacuum effect in the lungs which facilitates the next inhalation.

  • Moving Slowly enough to make the movement continuous and the transition from inhale to exhale with no gaps or wait time in between. This will facilitate lung expansion.
  • Keeping the elbows shoulder level, not too high or too low resting on the chest
  • Constricting the throat during the inhale to control the pace of the breath
  • Opening the mouth wide enough to let out a HA sound during the exhale

Video Resources

Guided Demonstrations and Tips

Watch a Demonstration
Watch a demonstration of the Pranayama Deep Breathing pose.
Get Jonny's Tip
Listen to Jonny's tips for mastering the Pranayama Deep Breathing pose.

The Dialogue

Bikram's Precise Verbal Instructions


Standing Deep Breathing

The Dialogue

Good morning everyone. First is the breathing exercise, Pranayama breathing; deep breathing. Good for your lungs and respiratory system.

Please listen carefully.
Inhale by the nose and exhale
by the mouth.
Inhale and exhale should be through the throat.
Breathe as much as possible, as long as possible, as slow as possible.
Breathe in by the nose, and out the mouth, but all the time through the throat.
Nose and mouth are only passage-ways.

Toes on the line, please.
Feet together nicely; toes and heels touching each other. All ten fingers interlocked nicely under the chin, full grip. Always your hands touching the chin like glue.
Nice and relaxed shoulders. Swallow a couple of times.Look in the mirror. Concentrate. Meditate.

Inhale, head down, arms up, start please... [simulate the inhale sound] Full lungs.

Exhale, head up [simulate the exhale sound a couple of seconds].
Push your head back. Way, way, way back. Bring your elbows forward, elbows touching each other, away from your chest. Eyes open.

Inhale, head down. Look in the mirror. Elbows up to the ceiling as far as possible. Chest up, spine straight, stomach in, full lungs.

Exhale, head up. Very slowly. Push your hands on the chin. Eyes open. Look all the way back, until you see the wall behind you. Elbows together, touching each other. Wait for me, please.

Inhale, head down 1—2—3—4—5—6, hold it.

Exhale, head up.

Slowly push your head back. 1—2—3—4—5—6, hold it.

Inhale, head down
Very slowly. Use your throat. Suck your stomach in, ribcage visible in the mirror. Look in the mirror, head down, elbows up, full lungs.

Exhale, head up.
Slowly push your head back. Now, hips a little bit forward. Hip muscles contracting, tightening up. Eyes open, elbows together, please don’t close your eyes. Wait for me.

Inhale, head down
Each time, especially towards the end, try to inhale a little bit more than the last time; more and more, and more, and more.

Exhale, head up.
Slowly push your head back, until your neck hurts a little bit. Grip tight, ten fingers (including the thumbs) inter- locked position.

Inhale, head down.
Look in the mirror. Stomach in, depression of the abdominal wall. Full lungs.

Exhale, head up. Slowly push your head back. 1—2—3—4—5—6, eyes open.

Inhale, head down
Don’t close your eyes, you might feel dizzy. Stomach in, open your ribcage, open your lungs. Full lungs.

Exhale, head up.
Take your time. The slower you do is better. Elbows for- ward more, away from your chest, as far as it goes.

Again, inhale, head down
Use your throat when you’re inhaling. All the way up. Full lungs, until you feel dizzy.

Exhale, head up.
Slowly push your head back. Way, way, way back. Elbows forward, elbows touching each other.

Inhale, head down
Stomach, stomach, stomach. Depression of abdominal wall, contraction of the abdominal muscles. Suck it in, tightening up, hold it.

Exhale, head up.
Slowly push your head back. Exhale all the air out, all the way out. The more you exhale, the more fresh oxygen you inhale next time.

Inhale, head down
Stomach in, chest up, open your ribcage, open your lungs. Full lungs, until you feel dizzy.

Exhale, head up.
Push your head back. Hips forward, hip muscles tight, spine straight.
Ten fingers grip tight, elbows together. And that’s enough.
Arms down side.
Stand still there, shoulders relaxed, look in the mirror, don’t move.

[Second Set]

Feet together nicely, please.
Again, hands touching the chin.
Swallow a couple of times.
Ready, everybody together, please.
Arms and head movement synchronizing, should be exactly together in six seconds.
Exhale, head up.
Push your head back.
Grip tight, cross your thumbs.
10 fingers interlocked, 
including your thumbs.
Look back, look back, look back. Elbows touching each other, away from your chest.

[Continue 2nd set. Both sets should be 10 times inhale and exhale].

[additional dialogue also for correction, as needed]

[additional dialogue for the Inhales]:

Inhale, head down.

Very slowly, not so quick.
Take six seconds to bring your head down.
The slower you go, you do better. You use your lungs more.
Keep your weight on the heels.
Only the arms and head move.
Spine perfectly straight. Don't let your chest collapse. No hunchback. Stomach in, ribs sticking out, both sides of the chest.
The more you suck your stomach in, you use more of your lungs.
Chest up, elbows up as high as possible, until your shoulders hurt.
Open up your chest and rib cage, stretching the intercostal muscles of the ribs, expanding your lungs to their 
maximum expansion capacity.
The more your lungs opening, you hold more air in the lungs, improving the elasticity of the lungs.
Elbows up, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up.
Each time, you've got to inhale more.
[for last one: Use your extra strength, a very strong one. Full lungs, until your feel dizzy].

[additional dialogue for the Exhales]:

Exhale, head up.

Slowly push your head back.
Hips a little bit forward, towards the mirror.
Hips muscles solid, concrete, one piece.
Weight in the heels, spine perfectly straight, don't let your chest collapse.
No backward bending, only the arms and head move.
Don't let the knuckles go away from the chin. Grip tight.
Shoulders completely relaxed. Deltoids forward, with scapula, shoulder blades.

[Occasionally count the six seconds, with corrections / dialogue in between the counts, to help the students keep the pacing].