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Posture Overview

Foundational Insights

Paschimottanasana, or Stretching Pose, involves sitting with both legs extended forward and folding the upper body towards the legs. This pose aims to stretch the entire backside of the body, from the heels to the top of the head, promoting flexibility and circulation.

Posture Breakdown

Benefits and Techniques

  • Comprehensive Stretch: This pose stretches the entire backside of the body from the heels to the head, revitalizing the spinal nerves.
  • Digestive Boost: The forward bend compresses the abdomen, stimulating internal organs and aiding metabolism.
  • Spinal Health: The pose enhances the flexibility of the spine and can help in preventing slipped discs.
  • Mental Focus: It calms the nervous system and helps in reducing stress and fatigue.

  • Positioning: Sit with both legs extended forward, feet flexed, and spine erect.
  • Engagement: Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, hinge at the hips to fold forward, reaching towards the feet.
  • Breath & Focus: Maintain steady breathing and focus on keeping the back flat and chest open as you deepen the stretch with each exhale.

Video Resources

Guided Demonstrations and Tips

Watch a Demonstration
Watch a demonstration of Paschimotthanasana | Stretching Pose.
Get Jonny's Tip
Listen to Jonny's tips for mastering Paschimotthanasana | Stretching Pose.

The Dialogue

Bikram's Precise Verbal Instructions


Stretching Pose

Next is Paschimotthanasana, Stretching Posture. Both legs forward. Lie down on your back.

Sit up please, immediately.

Grab the big toes from the top, with your index and middle fingers.

Pull your toes as hard as possible. Feet together.

Look in the mirror, get your head up, please.

Walk your hips back, Right & Left, Right & Left, Right & Left, 10-15 times, until your both knees lock. No knees!

Flex your feet. Heels should come off the floor, in the air.

Then, only, you can bend your elbows down.

Look forward, your head up, chin up. Inhale breathing, stretch your body forward, from the lower spine. Pull your toes back.

Your goal to touch the head to the feet.

Come up, turn around. relax on your back. Complete relax, please.

[2nd Set - Stretching Pose]:

Bring both legs out in front of you.

Quickly lay on your back, bring your arms over your head.

Sit up immediately, and grab your big toes.

Don't lose the grip.

Pull your toes hard.

Walk your hips back, at least 10-15 times.

Lock your knees

Create cramp on tops of the thighs.

Heels off the floor, in the air.

Backs of the knees on the floor.

No room for air or light between the legs and the floor.

Chin up, look in the mirror.

Bend your elbows and pull harder.

Stretch your head forward towards the feet. Chest down on the legs, spine straight. Suck your stomach in, exhale, and keep pulling.

Continuously keep pulling, without interruption, without intermission.

Exhale and pull. Touch your forehead to the toes.

Change. Come up, turn around, and relax on your back.