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Posture Overview

Foundational Insights

This breathing exercise is performed in a kneeling position, where practitioners engage in forceful exhalations. The focus is on invigorating the body by increasing oxygen supply and stimulating the abdominal organs. It is beneficial for the immune and lymphatic systems and aids in detoxification.


Posture Breakdown

Benefits and Techniques

  • Respiratory Strength: Strengthens the lungs and increases lung capacity.
  • Energizing: Refreshes and rejuvenates the mind by increasing oxygen supply to the brain.
  • Core Engagement: Strengthens and tones the abdominal muscles and organs.
  • Detoxification: The forceful exhalation helps to cleanse the lungs and expel carbon dioxide.

  • Positioning: Kneel down in Vajrasana with arms straight and fingers together.
  • Engagement: Take a deep breath in and exhale forcefully through the nose, pulling the belly button towards the spine.
  • Breath & Focus: Focus on the exhalation being forceful and inhalation being passive. Ensure only the stomach is moving, keeping the rest of the body still.

Video Resources

Guided Demonstrations and Tips

Watch a Demonstration
Watch a demonstration of Kapalbhati in Vajrasana | Blowing in Firm Pose.
Get Jonny's Tip
Listen to Jonny's tips for mastering Kapalbhati in Vajrasana | Blowing in Firm Pose.

The Dialogue

Bikram's Precise Verbal Instructions

Kapalbhati in Vajrasana

Blowing in Firm Pose

Sit down Japanese style facing the front mirror.

We started with the Pranayama Breathing Exercise, good for the lungs. We end with another Breathing Exercise, Blowing in Firm Pose, good for your digestive system internal organs, and abdominal muscles.

Blow out by your lips very strong, pull your stomach in and out. No inhale, only exhale. Inhale happens automatically.

Follow me everybody.

Hands on the knees, arms straight, lock your elbows. Throughout the entire pose, spine is straight, shoulders relaxed. Abdominal wall is perfectly relaxed.

If you feel dizzy or cramps in the stomach, you're doing good.

Swallow a couple of times. Begin please. [60 times].


[2nd Set faster pace].

Relax on your back, please.

Everyone have a good day!