Janushirasana | Head to Knee Pose
Promoting Digestive Health, Enhancing Flexibility
Janushirasana, or Head to Knee Pose, is practiced sitting down with one leg extended and the other bent. The practitioner then folds forward towards the extended leg. This pose targets the flexibility of the sciatic nerve and the joints of the ankles, knees, and hips.
Turn around, and sit facing the mirror.
Right leg out cornerwise, bend your left leg.
Put your left foot, so your heel should touch the costume.
Create pressure with the left foot sole, against the right leg biceps of the thigh muscle.
Your two legs should be 90’ angle, like “L”.
Arms over the head, turn to the Right.
Grab your right foot, two inches below the toes, ten fingers interlocked position.
Pull your toes as hard as possible.
Flex your foot, so your heel comes off the floor, in the air.
Just like the Rabbit Pose, touch your chin to your chest, look at your stomach. Touch your exactly forehead on the knee. Forehead should touch the knee.
If you can’t touch your forehead, bend the knee up a little bit.
You’ve got to touch your forehead.
Bring your elbows down, next to your calves.Suck your stomach in.
Push your knee down, forehead touching position.
Left elbow down more. Left shoulder down more. Roll inside to the left. Left knee should stay touching the floor.
Roll in, roll in, roll in.
Get your head close with your stomach. Push your knee down.
Change. Left side
[Left side - Head to Knee Pose]:
Stretch your left leg out cornerwise, bend your right leg. Heel touching the costume. Grab the toes. Pull your toes.
Exactly forehead on the knee.
Make sure throat choked.
Exhale breathing, suck your stomach in.
Bend your elbows down. Push your knee down with your forehead.
Roll inside to the right. Roll in.
Create maximum pressure to the abdomen and throat.
This is not a stretching pose, it is a compression posture.
Compression of the pancreas, extension of the kidneys.
This is, again, a marriage between the pancreas and kidneys, thyroid and pituitary glands.
Change again.