Dandayamana Dhanurasana | Standing Bow Pose
Enhancing Balance and Spinal Strength
Dandayamana Dhanurasana, or Standing Bow Pose, involves balancing on one leg while holding the opposite foot extended backward. This posture aims to improve balance, increase leg strength, and enhance flexibility in the spine and shoulders.
Improved Balance and Focus: The posture enhances coordination, balance, and mental focus.
Strengthened Leg Muscles: It strengthens the thighs, calves, and ankles, promoting stability.
Enhanced Spinal Flexibility: The backward bending motion aids in making the spine more flexible.
Elevated Energy Levels: The pose can boost energy levels and revitalize the body.
Posture Alignment: Begin by standing straight, then bend one knee and hold the ankle from the inside.
Balancing Act: Extend the opposite arm forward while lifting the leg backward, maintaining balance.
Engagement of Core: Engage the core and keep the focus on a steady point.
Steady Breathing: Ensure that breathing remains steady and controlled throughout the posture.
Bring your right hand out, palm facing up, elbow touching your body.
Say ‘Mama, give me money!’ You’re holding the money in your hand.
Bring your hand out to the right. Don’t turn your hand, don’t drop the money.
Grab your right foot behind you, palm facing up.
Hold from the inside, at the ankle, five fingers together nice and tight grip; don’t lose the grip.
Left arm up in front of you, chin close to your shoulder.
Concentrate one point on your left knee in the mirror.
Left leg locked throughout the posture. Bring your knees together to start.
Inhale breathing.
Charge your body forward towards the mirror; try to touch the mirror.
Simultaneously, kick your right leg back and up towards the ceiling.
Bring your body down from the lower spine, until your abdomen and chest are parallel to the floor.
Continuously keep kicking your right leg up as hard as possible.
Your foot should be coming up over the top of your head in the mirror.
Both feet should be in one line from the side.
Kick back, so your right shoulder is behind your left shoulder, invisible in the front mirror.
Stretch your left fingertips towards the mirror, trying to touch the mirror
Try to touch your shoulder to your chin; shoulder blade, scapula coming out of the body.
In other words, your two shoulders should be in one line.
Kicking and stretching should be equal and simultaneous, 50/50.
If you lose your balance, you’re not kicking hard enough.
Body down more; stretch forward more, try to touch the mirror.
Kick back more. Kick harder. The harder you kick, you can balance forever.
Body down and kick up one more time.
Change. Come up. Other side.