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Posture Overview

Foundational Insights

Half Tortoise Pose involves sitting on the heels and stretching the arms forward while bowing the head down. This pose aims to stretch and strengthen the shoulders, back muscles, and enhance focus through the forward bend.


Posture Breakdown

Benefits and Techniques

  • Relaxing: Provides maximum relaxation to the body.
  • Mindful Stretch: Stretches the spine and shoulders, providing relief from tension.
  • Improved Respiratory System: Enhances lung capacity.
  • Brain Boost: Increases blood flow to the brain, aiding mental clarity and focus.

  • Positioning: From a kneeling position, stretch the arms overhead and bend forward, aiming to touch the forehead and little fingers to the floor.
  • Engagement: Keep arms straight and hips over the knees, allowing for a stretch along the sides of the body.
  • Breath & Focus: Breathe calmly, focusing on the extension and stretch of the torso.

Video Resources

Guided Demonstrations and Tips

Watch a Demonstration
Watch a demonstration of Ardha Kurmasana | Half Tortoise Pose.
Get Jonny's Tip
Listen to Jonny's tips for mastering Ardha Kurmasana | Half Tortoise Pose.

The Dialogue

Bikram's Precise Verbal Instructions

Ardha Kurmasana

Half Tortoise Pose

Come to the middle of the towel.

Sit down Japanese style, kneel down position.

Feet flat on the floor, no gap underneath the ankles.

Arms over the head sideways, hands-palms together, only cross your thumbs.

Stretch your arms towards the ceiling.

Elbows locked, arms touching the ears, chin up.

Keep your hips touching the heels, throughout the posture.

Stomach in, exhale breathing, and go down, arms and head together.

Touch your forehead on the floor.

Little fingers touching the floor, the rest of your arms in the air, elbows locked. Stretch your arms more forward.

Make sure your shoulders hurt, scapula coming out of the body, chin away from your chest.

Stretch forward more, chin forward, heels touching the hips.

Eyes open, breathing always normal.

Inhale breathing, and gently come up.

Arms and head together.

Arms down side, turn around, lie down on your back, and relax.

[2" Set]:

Kneel down position, knees and feet together.

Hands / palms together, cross your thumbs.

Stretch your arms.

Exhale breathing, and you go down.

Hips touching the heels.

Body on the legs.

Forehead on the floor.

Chin away from your chest.

Pinkies touching the floor. Elbows locked. Eyes open, breathing normal.

Forward more. Stretch more.

Stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch.

Inhale breathing, come up, arms and head together.

Arms down side.

Turn around and relax on your back.

[additional dialogue, corrections]:

Scapula, deltoid, lattisimus dorsi, trapezius muscles, everything stretching forward, like balancing stick posture.

High-speed blood goes to the brain cells, activates the brain.

You re-energize, revitalize, reorganize unused and overused brain cells.

Yoga class is a gas station, it gives you energy. Energy's consisted by relaxation and nutrition.