Ardha Chandrasana | Half Moon Pose
Building Core Strength, Improving Spinal Flexibility
Ardha Chandrasana, or the Half Moon Pose, is a posture that emphasizes lateral stretching and strengthening of the body. It involves a series of side bends, backbends, and forward bends, engaging muscles in the torso, legs, and arms. The posture aims to improve flexibility, enhance the functioning of internal organs, and correct spinal alignment.
Practicing Ardha Chandrasana provides several health benefits:
The following techniques should be followed to perform Ardha Chandrasana effectively:
Everybody together.
Feet together at the line, heels and toes touching each other. Arms over your head sideways, palms together.
Interlock the fingers, release the index fingers, thumbs crossed.
Keep a nice tight grip, don’t lose the grip. Hands-palms touching each other like glue, up to the wrists, throughout the entire posture.
Stretch up to the ceiling, right and left several times, right and left, right and left.
You should feel stretching down both sides of the body, all the way up to the fingertips. In other words, you’re trying to touch the ceiling.
When you can’t stretch any more, please stop in the middle.
Elbows locked, arms always touching with the ears. No gap between biceps/arms and ears.
Push your hips forward, a little bit toward the mirror, opening up your hips and pelvis.
Upper body leaning back a couple of inches, opening up your chest and ribcage.
Throughout the posture, maximum body-weight on the heels.
Arms and head back. Chin up.
Concentrate one point in the mirror; don’t even blink your eyes.
Inhale breathing, full lungs, hold the breathing. Stretch up out of the waist one more time. Try to touch the ceiling. Absolutely straight line, slowly bend your body to the right, without bending your elbows or your knees. Continuously push your hips to the left, beyond your flexibility.
Inhale, come up and stop in the middle.