Elevate Your Yoga Practice

Comprehensive Training for Aspiring Instructors

Dive deep into the world of Bikram Yoga with our 12-week online certification program. Experience live expert sessions, interactive community engagement, and an extensive curriculum designed to enhance your practice and teaching skills. Our program not only prepares you to teach Bikram Yoga confidently but also equips you with the business acumen to thrive in the wellness industry.

BikramYogaWorks Course Curriculum

"If you can, you must." -Bikram Choudhury

    1. Welcome!

    2. Your Commitment to Excellence: The BikramYogaWorks Bikram Yoga Teacher Training Online Course Agreement

    3. The BikramYogaWorks Bikram Yoga Teacher Training Online Course Agreement and Acknowledgement

    4. Course Assignments Overview

    5. Meet Our Faculty

    6. The Bikram Yoga Lineage

    7. Bikram Teaches a 90-Minute Bikram Yoga 26 & 2 Class

    8. Download the Bikram Yoga Dialogue

    1. An Open Letter to You

    2. The History of Yoga Through Time

    3. Respond to the "History of Yoga Through Time" Prompts 1 & 2

    4. The Eight Limbs of Yoga

    5. Complete the Essay Questions: The Eight Limbs of Yoga 1 and 2

    6. The Eight Types of Yoga

    7. Complete the Table: Eight Types of Yoga

    8. The Elements of Yoga

    9. Answer the Essay Questions: The Elements of Yoga 1, 2, and 3

    10. The Five Aspects of Hatha Yoga

    11. Complete the Activity: The Five Aspects of Hatha Yoga

    12. The Aspects of the Practitioner

    13. Write in Your Journal: The Aspects of the Individual

    14. Lifestyle, Integration and Connection

    15. Oral Presentation | Lifestyle, Integration & Connection

    16. History Quiz

    17. Sanskrit Quiz

    18. Philosophy Quiz

    1. An Introduction to Anatomy

    2. Terminology

    3. Complete Terminology Table

    4. Anatomy Quiz | Terminology

    5. Vertebral Column (The Spine)

    6. Anatomy Quiz | Vertebral Column

    7. Critical Thinking Activity | Vertebral Column & Postural Syndromes

    8. Joints, Mobility, and Stability

    9. Critical Thinking Activity | Joints, Mobility, and Stability: Synovial Joints

    10. Muscles of Movement

    11. Anatomy Quiz | Muscles of Movement

    12. Critical Thinking | Muscles of Movement: Contractions

    13. Arm, Shoulder & Elbow

    14. Critical Thinking Activity | Arm, Shoulder & Elbow

    15. Anatomy Quiz: Upper Arm & Elbow

    16. Anatomy Quiz | Shoulder

    17. Hip and Pelvis

    18. Critical Thinking Activity | Hip & Pelvis

    19. Anatomy Quiz: Hip & Pelvis

    20. Leg and Knee

    21. Critical Thinking Activity | Leg and Knee

    22. Anatomy Quiz: Leg & Knee

    23. Anterior and Posterior Muscles

    24. Critical Thinking Activity | Anterior and Posterior

    25. Anatomy Quiz: Anterior & Posterior

    26. Nervous System

    27. Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems

    1. Decoding the Bikram Yoga Dialogue

    2. Pranayama | Standing Deep Breathing

    3. Ardha Chandrasana | Half Moon Pose

    4. Pada Hastasana | Hands To Feet

    5. Utkatasana | Awkward Pose

    6. Garudasana | Eagle Pose

    7. Dandayama Janushirasana | Standing Head to Knee

    8. Dandayamana Dhanurasana | Standing Bow Pulling Pose

    9. Tuladandasana | Balancing Stick Pose

    10. Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimottananasana | Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose

    11. Trikonasana | Triangle Pose

    12. Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana | Separate Leg Head to Knee

    13. Tadasana | Tree Pose

    14. Padangustasana | Toe Stand Pose

    15. Savasana | Dead Body Pose

    16. Pavana Muktasana | Wind Removing Pose

    17. Sit-Up

    18. Bhujangasana | Cobra Pose

    19. Salabhasana | Locust Pose

    20. Poorna Salabhasana | Full Locust Pose

    21. Dhanurasana | Bow Pose

    22. Supta Vajrasana | Fixed Firm Pose

    23. Ardha Kurmasana | Half Tortoise Pose

    24. Ustrasana | Camel Pose

    25. Sasangasana | Rabbit Pose

    26. Janushirasana | Head to Knee with Stretching Pose

    27. Paschimottanasana | Stretching Pose

    28. Ardha Matsyendrasana | Spine Twisting Pose

    29. Kapalbhati in Vajrasana | Blowing in Firm Pose

    1. Introduction to The Mahabharata

    2. Answer the "Introduction" Question

    3. Characters Symbolism

    4. Answer the Essay Question: "Characters Symbolism"

    5. Teaching Guide

    6. Respond to the "Teaching Guide" Prompt

    7. Summary In 18 Books

    8. Respond to the "Summary in 18 Books" Prompt

    9. Themes & Goals of Life

    10. Respond to the "Themes and Goals of Life" Prompt

    11. Imagery

    12. Respond to the "Imagery" Prompt

    13. Symbols & Motifs

    14. Respond to the "Symbols and Motifs" Prompt

    15. Irony

    16. Respond to the "Irony" Prompt

    17. Mahabharata Quiz #1

    18. MAHABHARATA Quiz #2

    19. MAHABHARATA Quiz #3

    20. MAHABHARATA Quiz #4

    1. A Brief Synopsis

    2. Respond to the "Brief Synopsis" Prompt

    3. The Gita | Teaching Guidelines

About the Bikram Yoga Teacher Training

  • 177 lessons
  • Live Expert Sessions and Interactive Online Community
  • Certification upon Completion
  • Flexible Learning Schedule

Meet Your Instructor: Kendra Blackett-Dibinga

Expert Yogi and Visionary Leader

Kendra Blackett-Dibinga is the Chief Visionary Officer of Bikram Yoga Works. With advanced degrees in public health and public policy, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role. Kendra is a certified Bikram Yoga instructor, fascial stretch therapist, personal trainer, and wellness advisor.

Kendra’s journey into yoga began with her own transformative experience of healing and rebuilding strength through regular practice after knee surgery. She understands first-hand the healing power of yoga and has devoted her life to fitness and wellness.

At Bikram Yoga Works, Kendra leads teacher certification courses in her FLEX’T, and DRIP’T class formats, as well as in the Bikram Yoga 26+2, method- combining her passion for yoga with innovative fitness methodologies. Her teaching philosophy is centered around challenging her students while providing the support they need to succeed.

Unlock Your Potential with BikramYogaWorks

Why Choose Our Teacher Training Program?

  • Transformative Learning Experience: Engage in a 12-week intensive program that combines the ancient wisdom of Bikram Yoga with modern teaching techniques. Each week, participate in live sessions with Kendra Blackett-Dibinga, ensuring personalized guidance and mentorship.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers everything from the core 26 & 2 postures to in-depth anatomy, yoga philosophy, and business skills. This holistic approach prepares you not just as a teacher but as a well-rounded yoga professional.

  • Interactive Quizzes and Workbooks: Benefit from interactive quizzes and detailed workbooks that provide immediate feedback and deepen your understanding of key concepts.

  • Business and Leadership Training: Gain essential business skills and receive expert guidance to develop a personalized business plan, paving the way for a successful career in the wellness industry.

  • Supportive Community: Join a vibrant online community where you can connect with fellow trainees, share insights, and support each other. Our interactive platform ensures you stay motivated and engaged throughout your journey.

  • Flexible Learning Schedule: Access course materials and participate in live sessions from anywhere, fitting your studies into your busy schedule.

  • Exclusive Resources and Materials: Get access to downloadable resources, including the Bikram Yoga Dialogue, teaching aids, and more to support your learning and teaching practice.


Answers to Key Questions About Our Bikram Yoga Training

  • How will this course prepare me for a career in yoga teaching?

    This course not only deepens your understanding of Bikram Yoga but also equips you with essential teaching skills and business knowledge to start your own yoga venture or teach professionally.

  • What makes this online Bikram Yoga course different from others?

    Our course uniquely combines in-depth yoga training with a focus on business development, all under the guidance of Kendra Blackett-Dibinga, a successful yoga entrepreneur.

  • What are the practice requirements for the training?

    As part of your commitment to the Bikram Yoga Teacher Training, you are required to participate in two Bikram Hot Yoga classes each weekday and two classes on each weekend day. This rigorous practice is a vital component of the training, immersing you deeply in the Bikram Yoga experience. The focus is on consistent, dedicated practice to enhance your understanding and skills in Bikram Yoga. Please ensure you allocate sufficient time in your daily schedule to fulfill this essential aspect of the course.

  • Are BikramYogaWorks studio classes included in the tuition fee?

    Yes, your tuition includes access to Bikram Yoga classes at our studio. This allows you to complement your online learning with real-world practice in a studio environment, enriching your training experience. You can attend any scheduled class, giving you the flexibility to practice according to your own schedule and pace.

  • Is the course suitable for beginners in yoga?

    While beginners can gain immense value from the course, we require a minimum of 6 months of consistent yoga practice to ensure all participants have a foundational understanding of yoga practices.

  • What is the time commitment expected each week?

    Expect to dedicate a significant amount of time each week to attend live sessions, engage in self-paced study, and participate in practical yoga sessions. The exact hours may vary, but commitment and consistency are key.

  • Are there any live in-person components to the course?

    Our course is fully online, including live-streamed sessions and interactive online coursework, providing flexibility without the need for in-person attendance. The course also requires participating in two Bikram Hot Yoga classes per day while enrolled in the training.

  • What kind of support can I expect during the course?

    Our dedicated team offers continuous support throughout your training. You'll have access to interactive live sessions, a vibrant community platform for peer interaction, and direct communication channels with instructors.

Begin Your Transformative Journey in Yoga and Entrepreneurship

Unleash Your Potential: From Yoga Enthusiast to Skilled Instructor and Business Owner

Embark on a journey that transcends the mat. Our course not only teaches you the art of yoga but also equips you with essential skills to build your own yoga business. Join us and transform your passion into a profession. Enroll today and start your path towards becoming a skilled Bikram Yoga instructor and entrepreneur. Seize this opportunity to turn your yoga practice into a thriving career.